Krishi Kisan Mobile App

the following is a quick peek at the project output. in case you’re interested to see a detailed case-study, click here.

Year: 2019

Work Type: Classroom Project

Duration: 6 weeks

This is a group project done alongside Atharva Sakharkar, Sukhada Yogi & Snehal Pophale.


In order to understand whether the Krishi Kisan app was actually serving its purpose we conducted live surveys with the target customers, in this case local farmers, and tested and tallied the app against basic principles of functionality, usability and desirability. When the app did not fulfil these basic requirements, we decided to take it up for redesign as our Major Elective project in the Sixth Semester of College.

Over the span of six weeks, my colleagues and I reevaluated the necessity and purpose of the app through research, strategised the User Experience by understanding the requirements, pain-points and emotional sentiment of the user and designed the User Interface for the mobile app to make it more functional, accessible and desirable for the target user.

the krishi kisan mobile app

The Krishi Kisan app on Android was designed by the Government of India under the Digital India scheme to help make Government seed-hubs and consultation centres more accessible to farmers. The app also provides live information and data related to farming such as weather alerts, information of crops, etc.

Snapshots of the existing app interface

After gaining substantial clarity about the users, their needs, desires and pain points, we decided to chunk all the existing data to make it more accessible for the user.

A major feature required was to make the app multi-lingual supporting local Indic languages and audio feedback.

But due to limitations in time for the college project, although this idea was visualised, we prepared the interface in English, while we are still working on making the system multi-lingual.

Information Architecture
Low Fidelity Wireframe Scribbles
High Fidelity Wireframes
App Overview with final High Fidelity Designs